
 In Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth

Brief: This post breaks down 3 easy tips that I believe can keep you close with the most important people in your life, family.

You can’t choose your family and if they have had a negative effect on your life then you need to determine whether they are worthy of your time at all. If they are, spend more time with them. Friends will undoubtedly come and go but family is the constant. They are there for you during the best and worst times no matter what. You’re connected to them more than any other being on this planet and I would hate for you to have to lose them to realize that. Below I’ll list 3 ways to keep close with your loved ones.

This seems like an obvious one but still people avoid it. Creating a tradition of coming together with your family on important occasions will help keep you involved in each others lives. Try and create something specific to your family that you can do on each holiday. Something fun that people look forward too like a gift exchange or a cook off! If your family events are fun then everyone will be more inspired and excited to participate.

Chat Group
Set up a family chat group. Keeping the lines of communication open is a great way to keep the family connected. You can organize events or casual meet ups and it will help keep your family members top of mind. If it gets annoying just mute it, no big deal.

Birthdays & Other Important Days
Make sure you have all your family’s important days marked in your calendar and reach out to wish them well when they come around. Imagine your entire family wishing you a happy wedding anniversary and expressing their love for you and your partner on that special day. How great would that be?

It doesn’t take much to keep a family connected and one day you will be glad you did. Do whatever it takes to keep your family together and happy because they are more like you than anyone in the world. They are your blood. Keep chasing your cloud!

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