1 Month of Yoga – Best month yet!

 In Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth

Brief: This is a quick break down of my Yoga month!


Here we are again with another month in the books and once again my mind and opinion of something has done a complete 180 degree change. I entered this month with some negative feelings about yoga because, in the past, I had decided it wasn’t for me because I thought I was so inflexible that I wouldn’t be able to do any of the posses and would most likely just end up embarrassing myself. I couldn’t have been more wrong. My favourite instructor so far (@melaniehilbornyoga) said something to our class that made me laugh but also instantly changed my opinion of WHY I needed to do yoga. She said “Saying that you’re too inflexible to go to yoga is like saying you’re too sick to go to the doctor”. Although often times the instructors monologues can be cheesy and personally hard to buy into, sometimes they are actually really helpful. This was one of those times. She instantly crushed the negative voice in my head that would judge my shaking arms & legs. I no longer compared myself to others in the class. It helped me realize that I was there to help myself get better and the person next to me is doing the same. It’s not a competition, your time on your mat is whatever you want it to be.

This month I purchased and unlimited pass at Oxygen Yoga and I definitely got my money’s worth. What I didn’t realize is that Oxygen Yoga is all HOT. In fact every class they off is HOT. Needless to say I have done more laundry this month than ever before. Back to the Yoga, it was great! I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it but I did. For someone who is as inflexible as I am, it was exciting to slowly get a better look at my toes. The feeling after a class is finished was like a drug at first. It’s different than any workout or run that I have ever done. It’s better! I walked out of every class I went to feeling loose, refreshed, accomplished and energized. It’s a different kind of workout. After a good run I felt good but It was a different kind of good. Like a had earned a long shower and a hot tub. Yoga made me feel like I wanted to go do something or be productive. I’m just starting to incorporate fitness into my routine so this is all new to me and I must say, I like it.

Yoga has been different than anything I’ve done so far. It really makes me feel good and I’m already noticing significant changes in my flexibility and the way my body feels. I said that I was going to continue running after I finished that month and surprise surprise, I didn’t. I have run twice since the half marathon. I realized during those runs that all of my training had drastically increased my stamina and cardio. That is something I’m proud of and I very much so want to maintain that. However, running feels like a bit of a chore for me. I’m not excited to go out there and put feet to pavement for an hour. It just doesn’t interest me. Yoga on the other hand, couldn’t be more different. Pushing myself on that mat, trying to get better and seeing results is exciting for me. I look forward to my classes and I’m eager to improve. Not only because I am still a little bit competitive, but mainly because it makes me feel great and that is what this process is all about. Im chasing my Cloud 9 and I believe after this month, I’m 1 step closer!

If you have any questions feel free to message me in Instagram, (@chasing_cloud_nine) I would be more than happy to chat!

Keep chasing your cloud!

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