Be Realistic With Your Time

 In Create Time, Misc, Personal Growth

Brief: This post talks about the positive benefits of being realistic about your time and what can be achieved in it.

Everything takes time. 5 minutes or an hour are such default answers and people are not actually thinking about how much time they need. Below I will list 3 reasons to take a minute and really think about your time frame so you can be realistic about what you can get done in it.

Become More Reliable
Everybody has that one friend that says they will be there in 5 minutes but you know that means 25 minutes. Or the person that leaves you waiting at the restaurant while they are “just around the corner” or “fashionably late”, these things are frustrating to say the least. Being reliable with your time will create a positive and responsible perception of you to others. In today’s world we are constantly meeting deadlines, meeting people or just in meetings. If “time is money” then you definitely don’t want to waste it, or have yours wasted.

Time = Quality
Rushing is never going to result in your best work no matter what. If you leave an assignment to the last minute you might trade quality for time and leave out details or overlook spelling mistakes. If you’re late for work you might trade safety for speed while putting yourself and others in danger. If you give yourself the appropriate amount of time to complete a task you will become more efficient. Like the Navy SEAL’s say “slow is smooth, smooth is fast”. Also, no sacrifices will need to be made in order to account for lost time. Your quality of work will increase and your stress levels will decrease.

Reality is Relaxing
If you’re real with yourself and others about the time required to get something done or arrive at a destination it will help you relax. Let me give you an example. Imagine you have and important dinner meeting with your boss and the restaurant is 1 hour away. Now imagine you leave your house 30 minutes before you’re meant to meet. If your boss thinks you are going to be there on time you will be stressing the entire drive, trying to make up a minute here and there by speeding or running lights. If you called and told your boss that you’re running behind and will be there 30 minutes late, you can relax. They know about your time frame, they are now expecting you 30 minutes later and you can drive the speed limit and keep yourself and those around you safe.

In closing, don’t try and be a superhero, you’re not the flash. Give yourself more time to get ready than expected and stop filling your schedule to the brim. Rushing causes stress and accidents. Be realistic with yourself and what you’re able to take on. Your time is not the only clock ticking. Other people value their time as well and if you’re constantly wasting someone else’s time, they may stop giving it to you.

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