Craigslist Free → Facebook Marketplace = $$

 In Make More Money, Misc

Brief: This post highlights a very simple and effective way to make a little extra cash on the side. Trust me, it works!

Facebook’s addition of the Marketplace has created less of a need for craigslist but it isn’t 100% useless just yet. There is still a very lucrative opportunity that can bring you money by simply acting as a “middle man”. Craigslist has a section called “free”, people put anything they want to get rid of up on there and as long as you’re willing and able to pick it up, it’s yours. Often times the things I see on Craigslist free are pretty much garbage but every now and again there are items that definitely still possess value. When you find something that has value, go get it!

Once you own that item you can do whatever you please with it, even sell it. This is where Facebook Marketplace comes into the equation. Put your “new” item up on Marketplace and wait to collect your money, simple as that. You might be saying “ya, ok, Facebook Marketplace has a free section, why can’t I just get free stuff from there?” That’s true, there is a free section but people have outsmarted Marketplace (for now) and often times people will label their item as FREE so people see it. When you click on the description often times the price is written out in the write up or its being sold based off of the “best offer received”. Craigslist for whatever reason doesn’t have this problem and 90% of what you see in the “Free” section is in fact free.

“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” as the old saying goes. Take advantage of people that are too lazy to try and sell their old belongings. People complaining about not having enough money no longer receive my sympathy. There are money making opportunities all around us, we just need to take advantage of them. Spend less time complaining and more time putting in the work. Doing it is not the hard part, getting started is. No more stalling, get after it. Never stop chasing your cloud.

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