Empty Your Closet & Fill Your Bank Account

 In Make More Money, Misc

Brief: With prices rising all over, this post talks about a simple effective way to make a couple extra bucks by selling old clothing and miscellaneous items in your closet.


Look around your bedroom, how many things do you own that you haven’t used in the last year? Maybe it’s 2 years. It’s not something to be ashamed of or feel bad about. At one point you thought your fidget spinner was cool, I get it! Some things will always be important to us no matter if we use it or not like your old baseball glove from little league or a stuffed animal that got you through chicken pox. Some things we never use but will also never get rid of, that’s ok! The problem is all of the stuff we no longer use that we are, for whatever reason, still hanging on to. Have you ever stopped to think about all the money you spent on creating this wardrobe that you hardly ever touch? How many pairs of pants do you have vs. actually wear. We are a generation that relentlessly complains about how expensive things are and yet we are buying new outfits with every season and simply piling them on top of the old ones. Get rid of that shit!

You’re NEVER going to use it

There is this “I’ll wear OR I’ll use it eventually” mentality that has the potential to take over your closet leaving it stocked full of bell bottoms and deflated soccer balls. It’s a dangerous seed to plant in your mind. It can grow and grow until one morning you will wake up with a 2 part special on TLC’s Hoarders where the disgusted host finds a dead cat in a leather purse at the back of your closet. Both things you had forgotten about owning. The time to clean out your life is always now. No delays, if you have no use for it, get rid of it. However, don’t just throw it away!

Get your money back!

Remember when you bought that sweater or dress that now is a dust collector? How much was it? Doesn’t it suck that you now don’t ever wear it and you have no way of getting your money back? Oh wait….SELL IT! If you are telling yourself “nobody will want it, it’s outdated and ugly” you’re very wrong. Everybody has different styles and preferences. What you think is ugly might be exactly what someone else is looking for. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! Sell your trash!

There’s a time and a place for nostalgia

Cleaning out your closet feels good, you’ll have more space, spend less time looking for something to wear and you will have a little extra cash coating your favourite pant pockets. There is a time and a place for nostalgia and remembering your past is important, no question. Make sure you’re hanging on to things because they still mean something to you today and not because they meant something to you once.

No more “What if?”

We often times are afraid to get rid of things because we think “what if….” I understand because I’ve had the feeling before and it isn’t just clothing or other material things. It happens with all kinds of tough decisions but letting go of unnecessary things in your life feels good. Give yourself a fresh start and make a little extra cash in the process. Don’t stop at clothing! Anything and everything you no longer use, sell it all! Somebody might be scouring the web looking for a VHS copy of The Lion King or a pair of Miss Sixty jeans!

Some things that we keep are priceless and don’t ever sell anything that is important to you for a quick buck. That being said if you see something in your closet and think “what if…..?” SELL IT!

Keep chasing your Cloud!


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