Establish Routines (Morning and Evening)

 In Create Time, Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, The Freedom Equation, Uncategorised

Brief: Routines help bring structure to your life and this is a brief post and links that will hopefully help convince you to establish one of your own.

Routines are not my friend. I have never been a person to do anything consistently with any kind of structure. However, that is changing. Some of the most successful people on the planet have strict daily routines to help start and finish their days so I figure there must be something to it. Below I’m going to link a few of my favourite articles and videos that I’ve found on the subject of routines. In the coming days I’m going to try and nail down something that work best for me. Check back in a couple weeks to see what my daily routines look like and how they make me feel. If you have any tips or things that you do I would love to hear from you!


Link 1: – Daily Routine Blog


Link 2: – Tony Robbins Morning Routine


Link 3: – This Gets Me Fired Up!

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