Make The Tough Choice

 In Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth

Brief: This post goes over the benefits of making tough choices in life.

When it comes to making big life choices you have to definitively pick a side. As Gary Vaynerchuk says “you can’t be half pregnant”. The middle ground is no place to live, trust me I’ve been there. Always making the safest decisions possible. Avoiding all risk and potential to get hurt. Side stepping anything that might bring on some form of adversity. It’s boring, it’s safe and you gain nothing. Sure you’re comfortable but there is no forward progress in “comfort”. When you live in such a guarded way the world becomes boring. We should be constantly challenging ourselves, everyday.

Be Strong
When it comes to making tough decisions, be strong. The thing with life changing decisions is, they’re not easy to make. They are scary and often times it’s easier to just avoid them. The problem is, when you believe the more difficult of the 2 choices needs to be made, it almost makes the decision harder to make. It weighs on your mind constantly. Be strong! If you make the tough choice and do what you believe needs to be done, it will benefit you in some way. You will grow. With any change comes growth and with growth comes knowledge. It won’t take you long to learn from your choice and you will be able to decide whether or not it was a wise one. Even if you determine that it was a mistake at least now you know. You have learned something about yourself and the more you know about who you are and how you handle certain situations the better the rest of your life will be.

Learn From Your Experiences
No matter what the decision is, you can make it right. It can benefit you if you have the right outlook. If you avoid the adversity or potential pain of a situation you can never learn from it. Until you experience something first hand you don’t truly know what it’s like. So stop reading about something and acting like an expert. No documentary will ever teach you as much as physically doing whatever it is you’re watching. Do more! Push yourself! Not for anyone other than you. Become a master of your own mind and body and not only will you become better, but good things will come your way. Enough dwelling on the past. Take the lessons you have learned and move on. Live your life, nobody else’s.

A Part of You Should Never Grow Up
Remember when you were a child? Absolutely care free. You have probably never been that happy since. Kids make decisions based solely on their instincts, they say what the want to say, they do what they want to do and if something doesn’t feel right they fight it. When we are grown we need to remember ourselves as kids, strive to be happy like we were back then. Try new things, always be open to learning and trust your instincts. Don’t sweat the small stuff, have fun as much as possible. When you’re happy, smile, when you’re sad, cry. If something doesn’t feel right, fight it!

Do It For You
Be strong, weakness never did anyone any good. Make the tough choices for the benefit of yourself and your future. You will be grateful you did when all is said and done.

Keep chasing your Cloud!

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