My 7 Step Morning Routine for a GREAT Day!

 In Create Time, Make More Money, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth, The Freedom Equation

Brief: F&%$ the snooze button! Start EVERY day off with a positive attitude and a great routine to achieve more!

This is my routine. Try it and make small adjustments based on you. Ultimately it comes down to attitude – at first you might be tricking yourself into feeling excited for another day, but after a few weeks, you’ll actually genuinely be excited for the day!

Step 1: JUMP out of bed, early – NO SNOOZING. I usually wake up well before my alarm, but I have it set just incase. Jump out of bed in the morning and say these exact words “Let’s make today the best day of my life!” –> It’s a positive, action oriented phrase. YOU are in control of making today awesome.

Step 2: Make Your Bed – As silly as this sounds, making your bed has a weird psychological effect on your brain. Imagine if everyday, after being away for less than 30 seconds, you have already accomplished something…I’m not sure if it is scientifically proven, but ever since I started making my bed I found I was more productive!

Step 3: Turn on some rowdy / happy music and do some pushups – This isn’t meant to be a workout. All it does is gets the blood flowing and helps you keep focused on making today awesome.

Step 4: Shower, Dance, Sing, Rap, Smile – I don’t need to say anymore. Try it and if you don’t love it, go back to whatever planet you came from!

Step 5: Dress for success, look in the mirror, and say something positive about yourself – Look Good – Feel Good. You know how money you are, say it out loud!

Step 6: Energize! Make yourself a spinach and kale smoothie with a little extra protein. I also take a little caffeine for a little extra morning madness!

Step 7: Reflect, Plan, Write it Down – What is one learning experience you had yesterday? What are you going to actively change today so that you improve from yesterday? Write down everything you will do today, and block off time in your calendar to dedicate to these activities.

This is my routine. Don’t change steps 1, 2, or 4…But feel free to modify / improve your routine to better suit your needs!

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