The Benefits & Misconceptions of Running

 In Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth

Brief: This post goes over the benefits of running for your mind and body. It also tackles some common misconceptions.

As I approach the final lap of the race through my 20’s I have noticed that I have been slowing down. I’m not calling for a cane just yet but I am not the 22 year old I once was. Aches and pains last longer, I complain more about loud music and instead of warming up for my softball game with a beer….I actually need to warm up. All of this is very disappointing but as a very talented young rapper once said “That’s just the way it is, things will never be the same”. Now, I know he was referencing something much bigger and more meaningful than me pulling a muscle in beer league softball but you understand.

Considering I plan on being a beer league superstar until I’m 80 years old, something has to be done. I recently did some research and found out that the average age of the best marathon runners (sub 2:11 for men & 2:30 for women) was just under 29. I’M JUST UNDER 29! I kept researching and found out something I had been told all my life was actually wrong, running is bad for your knees. Apparently untrue, research on runners and non runners has proven that non runners are actually more likely to have damage in their knees. Running for 30 minutes can actually decrease levels of 2 types of cells that cause inflammation within your knee. Also studies have shown that runners have far better cardiovascular health and are less stressed! My excuses as to why I shouldn’t be running are quickly dwindling. I guess I only have one choice, turn my music up and get to running! I’ll link everything I talked about below and if you have any rival or supporting articles you think I should read, send them over! For now, if you see a late 20’s man struggling through a run on the trails or sidewalks, it could be me, wish me luck! If you would like to join in, feel free to shoot me a message!

Keep chasing your Cloud!

Link 1- Benefits of Running

Link 2- Ideal Age To Run a Marathon

Link 3- Running May Be Good For Your Knees

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