Tile App: Review

 In Misc

Brief: This post is a brief review of an app that helps you located misplaced items such as keys, cell phones and wallets.

I was first introduced to the Tile App 1 week after I almost lost my brand new iPhone 8+, more on that later. The product itself is a tiny square locator that you would most commonly slip in your wallet or attach to your keychain. You must download the Tile app onto your smartphone then you are ready to go. The locator I mentioned before has a button in the middle and when you click it, as long as you are within 50 feet of your device, your smartphone will ring until you selected “done”. Same goes for finding your locator. You simply open the Tile app and hit the “find” button associated with your locator. As long as you’re within 50 feet of it, it will ring until you click the button in the middle or select done on your app.

The experience that led me to purchase Tile was a doozy. I was snowshoeing with friends with my brand new phone. Stopping to test out all the fancy new camera settings along the way, obviously. We were just around the corner from our final destination and I took 1 ill advised step off the trail and fell about 4 feet down into snow. With the help of friends I got myself back onto the trail but my phone wasn’t so fortunate. Once I realized it was not in my chest pocket we all began digging. 45 minutes later we had dug down to the rocks and still no phone.

With no reception we couldn’t call the phone so we were essentially searching for a needle in a haystack. As the situation started to sink in deeper than my phone had sunk into the snow I got a little frustrated. With that frustration I drove my fists through a matted down pile of snow and by fate, there it was. The bottom corner of my case and the “water resistent” charge port staring back at me. The relief was palpable not only for me, but the rest of the group as well who were undoubtedly digging for their future profile pictures. When we got home I knew I needed to find a solution. The thought of knowing that phone was within arms reach of me the entire time but being unable to call or find it made me crazy. Insert Tile!

Thats the great thing about Tile, it doesn’t need a signal. Turn your bluetooth on and it works anywhere. I would have found my phone in 30 seconds if I had the app and locator. This product is great and for 30$ on Amazon I think it’s a steal. Oh and by the way, I ordered it on a friday night, it showed up saturday at noon! I’m glad I have it and I’m thinking about getting another for my wallet and maybe the remote….

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