Work Harder, Work Smarter, or Give Up

 In Misc, Personal Growth

Brief: This post goes over the 3 choices we are left with when we believe there needs to be a change in our levels of success in life.

If you’re at a point in your life where you’re finding yourself unhappy with the status quo or not as successful as you want to be you really only have 3 choices. Below I will outline those 3 choices and then it’s up to you to decide which of the 3 choices you’re going to make.

Work Harder
This one is pretty basic. Whatever you’re doing, do it better. Go above and beyond and make everyone else that works with you look like useless pilons. Work harder, work yourself until you can’t work anymore. If you dig holes then dig the deepest widest hole possible. If you work at a grocery store, learn the store layout perfectly, memorize everything about that store and try to think of ways you can make the consumer experience better. You can always work harder. There isn’t a limit to it because the more you learn the more work opportunities present themselves. The harder you work the more you will move up the ladder and the more responsibility will come your way aka more work.

Work Smarter
It’s very easy to work harder, it takes skill to work smarter. The strongest muscle in your body is your brain. It can take you anywhere you want to go and it can help you defeat the strongest opponent. Working smart doesn’t only apply to hour 9-5 job it applies to your entire life. If you’re unhappy with your work situation it is up to you to decide what it is that is making you unhappy and make a change. Working smarter may mean putting in the time after you get home for your 9-5 job to pursue your passion project. Working smarter just means use your time effectively and have that time working for you and your future. Decide what it is that you want and work towards that.

Give Up
If you’re looking for excuses and you don’t want anything to do with the above 2 solutions, give up. Lower your expectations and accept the life you’re creating for yourself. If you aren’t willing to put in the work, whether it be hard or smart, then you will never reach your desired outcome and expecting greatness will only set you up to be disappointed. If giving up is not an option then I suggest you grab 1 or both of the above options and never let go.

Options 1 & 2 are the only real choices for most. Even when people think their only choice is to give up they are wrong. You always have the choice to be better it just comes down to whether or not you’re willing to take it. Giving up isn’t an option in this case, it’s a wake up call. If the other 2 options scare you then you need that wake up call. There is no giving up on the road to success, there is only work harder, work smarter or both. Keep chasing your cloud!

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