Where do you want to be & what are you doing to get there?

 In Misc, Optimize Your Brain and Body, Personal Growth

Brief: This post goes over a few ways you can ensure you’re doing whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Implementing these strategies will help keep you focussed and on track.

Goals are important. Having something to strive for can keep you motivated and moving in the right direction. The problem is, sometimes we focus more on maintaining our everyday lives and less on progressing towards those goals. The day to day routine will consume you only if you allow it too. Keeping your mind on where you want to end up will help alter your actions to ensure you’re progressing towards your desired destination. It’s like driving a car, you focus your attention on where you want to go not where you currently are or where you came from.

Map It Out
I encourage you to think about the future and where you would like to end up. This doesn’t have to be a concrete life plan but I want you to imagine the next 1-5 years of your life and figure out what exactly you would like to accomplish in that period of time. What do you need to do to become that “dream like” version of yourself. It can be in regards to anything, your career, personal health, relationships, travelling etc. If you can, find at least 1 part of your life that you would like to see evolve. Once you have your goal(s) in mind, map out some checkpoints or milestones that you can reach to prove to yourself that you’re making progress. Start small, very small! You should be considering baby steps in the right direction a massive victory. This will help your brain associate positive feelings with hard work and progress.

Make a List
I’ve found that physically crossing something off a list is very satisfying and it encourages me to keep going and cross off more list items. It can turn into a snowball effect. It’s like cleaning your house or apartment. Sometimes you start with the intention to just make your bed, then you’re organizing your closet, then the kitchen and bathroom. Next thing you know hours have gone by and you’re cleaning the place from top to bottom. These things happen because progress feels good and we love to succeed and feel accomplished.

Keep It Simple
Another thing the mind welcomes is simplicity. If a task is easy to complete or a problem has a simple solution, you will be confident that you will not be overwhelmed by it. There is comfort in that confidence. Keeping it simple can be the most helpful part about getting anything done, especially when it comes to our biggest dreams or goals. Oftentimes our future aspirations are so built up in our minds they become too much to fathom. The amount of work it would take to get from where you are now to where you want to be is seemingly endless and that can be daunting. Simplifying things and taking 1 step at a time has the ability to take away that “too big to conquer” feeling. Once you break through that wall momentum is on your side and it’s up to you to keep it moving!

Buy a Damn Ticket! (Figuratively)
When it comes to achieving something great It’s important to remember that nobody is going to do it for you. Your vision of the perfect life is not going to just appear because you are a good person and make a wish every time you see a shooting star or stumble upon a clock at 11:11. That seems obvious right? The problem is a lot of people have the “I wish I could win the lottery” mentality and yet, they have never bought a lottery ticket. People are creating “perfect life” scenarios in their minds and literally doing nothing to actually make them a reality. In the case of the lottery loser, they are wishing for a 1 in a Million occurrence but they are forgetting to even supply themselves with the 1, a ticket! See, the 1st step can sometimes be the hardest but it can also be the most important. It gets you in the game and helps prove to yourself that you are committing to the pursuit of your goals. Take that 1st step and never look back.

One Step At A Time
I encourage you to focus your thoughts on goals that are within your power of control. Simplify the process and make sure you’re continuing to make progress towards those dreams. Make sure you’re doing whatever it takes to put yourself in position to succeed. A small step forward is still a step in the right direction and over time those small steps turn into measurable progress. Take the time and find out what it is you truly want to achieve. Make a plan, celebrate progress and go after what you want in life because dreams, are way better in reality.

Keep chasing your Cloud!


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